We’re not your typical software company. Born from the fire service and built by it, Emergent’s responsibility is to its emergency responder family. Here’s what we mean by that.
Discover the essentials of Fire Department Incident Action Plans (IAP), including components, development, and implementation with guidance from the experts at Emergent
Discover the most common fire code violations and how to steer clear of them. Stay safe and compliant with expert advice from the team at Emergent.
Explore the frequency of firefighter callouts with guidance from Emergent. Learn how calls vary by station, and about the day in the life of a firefighter.
Explore the details and importance of fire apparatus maintenance with guidance from Emergent. Explore how regular upkeep ensures readiness for emergency response.
Prioritize firefighter mental health. Learn about the unique challenges they face and strategies to promote resilience and well-being with guidance from Emergent.
From pumpers to aerial ladder trucks, explore the world of fire apparatus. Explore the types and functions of different fire trucks with guidance from Emergent.
Have you ever wondered if it costs you money to call the fire department? We'll explore this question in detail, including how fire departments are funded.
Emergent, fire and EMS software provider, welcomes Allegiance Fire & Rescue, a leading emergency vehicle dealership for Pierce MFG and Road Rescue for New England, to the Emergent Dealer Network.
Firefighter retention is a significant challenge in the fire service industry. Explore these strategies and tips to strengthen firefighter retention efforts.
Explore essential firefighter stress management strategies. Discover how to maintain mental and emotional well-being in the line of duty with guidance from Emergent.
Explore the depths of firefighter PTSD and discover essential strategies to understand the risk factors, warning signs and tips for how to effectively manage PTSD.
Emergent announces the addition of Reliant Fire Apparatus to the Emergent Dealer Network. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in bringing Emergent's state-of-the-art solutions directly to the doors of fire departments throughout the Reliant territory.
Discover the critical role of fire department analytics in enhancing response times, resource allocation, and public safety with guidance from the experts at Emergent.
Emergent, Fire and EMS software provider, announced that it is certified for use on FirstNet, delivering a reliable, highly secure solution to further public safety capabilities and strengthen incident response.
Proper turnout gear cleaning is essentially to ensuring firefighter health and safety. Explore our blog post for tips and best practices to maintain your PPE.
Uncover the causes and impact of EMS and fire department staffing shortages. Explore proactive strategies for resilient emergency response and community safety.
Learn more about the advancements in technology that allows for firefighter exposure tracking as a means to protect the health and safety of those in the fire service.
Learn more about ePCR software, including the core functions to look for, as well as understand how it can help drive greater efficiency across a department.
Fire department performance can be measured to determine it's overall effectiveness. Learn more about fire department performance metrics with guidance from Emergent.
24-hour fleet readiness is essential for fire departments. Keeping the fleet out of the shop and on the road, however, is no small task. Without the proper fleet management software, departments would be plagued with unexpected maintenance issues and equipment malfunctions.
At Emergent, NFIRS and NERIS are part of our daily speech. Whether we came from or to the fire service and emergency responder community, our team is observing in real-time how software solutions are transforming incident reporting.
Firefighters serve in one of the most dangerous occupations, surrounded by hazards which are not always easy to detect. Missing information about an incident can have disastrous consequences. This is why situational awareness is such an essential aspect of how firefighters respond in an emergency situation.
Fire asset management is a systematic process that revolves around acquiring, tracking, maintaining, and optimizing the use of all firefighting resources. Just as businesses manage their physical assets to improve operations and profitability, fire departments must manage their assets to ensure readiness, effectiveness, and safety during emergency response scenarios.
Fire inspections are critical to fire prevention and safety, and an important part of ensuring that buildings and infrastructure comply with local, state, and federal regulations. The role of software in streamlining and improving the quality of these inspections is becoming more and more significant.
The digital transformation has proven technology has a prominent role within the fire service, which in many areas, is at the cutting edge of this revolution. From drones aiding in reconnaissance to artificial intelligence assisting in strategic decision-making, technology is crucial to transforming how the fire service operates, making it more effective and efficient.
Tablets have become an increasingly integral tool in the fire service, offering a range of functionalities that can aid firefighters in their work. Traditionally, tablets have been used for purposes such as accessing reference materials like fire codes and maps, communicating with other responders via messaging and voice communication apps, and tracking the location and availability of resources, such as equipment and personnel.
Fire departments and emergency responders know that proper planning and coordination are critical for a successful response to any incident. That’s where the fire department Incident Command System (ICS) comes in. Let’s take a closer look at what an ICS is, its importance, and what to look for in an ICS.